You Are the Gift
Before heading to Portugal I was thinking of all the ways I could possibly “be the gift” to those in a foreign country. How could I, someone who barely speaks correct portuguese help those around me? How could I, someone who could only watch, help around in the hospital and “be a gift” to those in need? As I pondered many ideas ran through my mind but none of them seems to stick. It was not until I talked to the other guys that I realized I was going about this the wrong way. I quickly realized that it is not about those moments you plan to help but more those moments you didn't plan but were ready to help and prepared anyways. I decided I was pay close attention to those around me and “be a gift” whenever the opportunity arose.
The first and biggest opportunity came when the only non LDS guy in the group did not speak Portuguese. It was a daily opportunity to help him in communicating and in everyday tasks through the hospital. From explaining what something meant to translating on tours I was able to help him enjoy more fully the experience of Portugal. In the hospital he would usually stick with one of the three of us that spoke Portuguese and it was during this time that I could really help him and the doctor by being the translator. It made the whole process more seamless as well as easier for the doctor.
Not only could I help him with Portuguese but I could also help him understand better about me and my religion. There were many times when he would ask me questions about Mormons and what exactly we believed. Being from the south he had heard many things and knowing he was going to be stuck with three of them he was naturally curious. It was a great opportunity to become friends and help him understand more about what I believe and dispel any misconceptions about mormons. He even ended up coming to church with us and a dinner at a members house.
Being at a hospital all day where I could not actually do much was more of a struggle as I searched for opportunities to “be the gift”. I ended up helping the doctors in any way I could. I think the main way I could serve was by being teachable and friendly. Most of the time these doctors find someone shadowing them a pain and just something else they have to do so I tried to make it as painless and fun as possible. I did this by asking questions about the hospital and also about their personal life. It seemed to break the ice and allow me to “bond” with the doctors faster. Also things like opening or closing doors or handing them a paper towel or pen when I knew they would need it seemed to help and make me a delight to have around. In the end I think by just paying attention and being interested was the best way I could serve the doctors. It showed them I cared and that I wanted to learn not only about medicine but about them as a person.
I was also able to serve those I lived with. Simply making sure I kept my things clean and organized was one way I tried to be helpful around the house. I was also able to clean dishes when needed and help make some sandwiches for everyone. Simple things around the house seemed to make people happy. One night I was up late and before I went to bed I switched someones laundry. Such a simple and quick task brought a smile to someone's face when he realized his laundry was done the next morning. Honestly, looking for specific moments and just being aware that I can be a gift to those around me made me think more about Christ. Thinking so constantly about Him helped me have a constant prayer in my heart and helped me be mentally positive at all times. I really enjoyed this talk and hope I can continue to be the gift to those around me.